Working For Worcester 2022
Back and Better than Ever!
Build Day Year 10 by the Numbers:
20 Sites 2 Playgrounds
1 Gaga pit
10,000 Cubic Yards of Mulch
1,200 AMAZING Volunteers
$150,000 Dollars reinvested back into Worcester

But numbers don't tell the story of the amazing day of April 9th 2022! Here it from our team themselves -
11 Years of Working for Worcester

City View Discovery School
By Co-Executive Directors Jules Cashman and Sabrina Ramos
As the bell rang for recess at City View Discovery School the Monday morning after Build Day, the children were surprised with a brand new playground and swing set that replaced the aging structure that once stood in its footprint. The screams of joy and excitement from City View's second grade recess could be heard from Shrewsbury Street and beyond. "Go big or go home," was the mantra this Build Day at City View Discovery School as W4W built its BIGGEST PLAYGROUND EVER!
Alas, the granite bed rock and asphalt was no match to the illustrious CEO of the United Way of Central Mass, Tim Garvin, who broke a W4W record on digging holes(we are convinced the white New Balances were the deciding factor). Nonetheless, with the help of the Consigli Construction excavator and bobcat the holes at City View were no match.
Thank you to the Hanover Insurance Foundation and Consigli Construction Company For their Generous Support to the City View Discovery School Playground!
Lincoln Street School
By Site Director Aidan Busconi
At Lincoln Street School, we had the pleasure of building a brand new Basketball Hoop and Court, Blacktop games, and Gaga Pit. In addition, we had the pleasure of re-mulching the entire recess space for the students of Lincoln Street School!
Now, you might be wondering, what is a Gaga Pit is and how you play it, let me explain the rules: Start with 5-10 kids in the wooden octagone and get a rubber playground ball. Players then use the ball to try and hit the opposing players ankles, knocking them out of the game. Last player standing wins!
As the the gaga pit was constructed at an off campus parking lot at College of the Holy Cross the week before Build Day, the Managing Team took the liberty of playing a few rounds of Gaga Ball "in the name of safety." After numerous rounds of "safety checks" by the Managing Team, we can confirm that Gaga ball is certainly a fun game to play for all ages!
Thank You to College of the Holy Cross and Anderson Handyman Services for their Generous Support at Lincoln Street School!